For the hardcore storm tracker, here is a tracking map, and links to satellite, radar, water temps, models and more from around the world
Download your Hurricane Tracking Map HERE
Large Satellite Animations from NOAA/NESDIS and Others
- Caribbean/W. Atlantic Visible
- Caribbean/W. Atlantic Infrared
- Caribbean/W. Atlantic Water Vapor
- Gulf of Mexico Visible
- Gulf of Mexico Infrared
- North Atlantic Visible
- North Atlantic Infrared
- North Atlantic Water Vapor
- Central Atlantic Visible
- Central Atlantic Infrared
- Northwest Atlantic Visible
- Northwest Atlantic Infrared
- Northwest Atlantic Water Vapor
- Tropical Floater Visible
- Tropical Floater Visible #2
- Tropical Floater Visible #3
- Tropical Floater Visible #4
- Tropical Floater Infrared
- Tropical Floater Infrared #2
- Tropical Floater Infrared #3
- Tropical Floater Infrared #4
- Eastern Pacific Visible
- Eastern Pacific Infrared
- Central Pacific Visible
- Central Pacific Infrared
- Northeast Pacific Visible
- Northeast Pacific Infrared
- West Pacific Visible
- West Pacific Infrared
- Northwest Pacific Visible
- Northwest Pacific Infrared
- National Hurricane Center satellite images
- Tropical Satellite Imagery from Colorado State
Real-time Tropical Imagery
- Atlantic wind shear (University of Wisconsin CIMSS tropical products)
- NOAA RAMMB imagery (great new site in 2007!)
- QuikSCAT satellite winds
- Microwave Satellite data from the Navy Research Lab
- Atlantic hurricane potential (NOAA/Climate Prediction Center)
- National Data Buoy Center
- Morphed microwave data (University of Wisconsin CIMSS)
- Surface wind analysis (NOAA/AOML/HRD)
- Saharan air layer (University of Wisconsin CIMSS tropical products)
Computer model forecasts
- Basics of hurricane forecast models (Dr. Jeff Masters,, updated 2007)
- Description of computer models used for hurricane forecasts (NHC, updated 2007)
- Description of computer models used for hurricane forecasts (NOAA/AOML)
- GFS model, Atlantic (wunderground)
- GFS model, Atlantic (NCEP)
- NOGAPS model, Atlantic (Navy)
- Canadian (GEM) model
- ECMWF model, North America
- Multi-model track and intensity guidance (CSU)
- Multi-model track and intensity guidance (Dr. Kerry Emanuel, MIT)
- Cyclogenesis tracking page (NOAA/NCEP)
- CIRA's experimental tropical cyclone formation products
Rain information
- U.S. 24-hour rainfall (
- 3-hourly rain (NASA hurricane portal)
- Rain forecast (NOAA)
- Rain estimates from NASA's TRMM satellite
Forecast Centers
- National Hurricane Center
- TAFB marine forecasts for the Atlantic
- Central Pacific Hurricane Center
- Joint Typhoon Warning Center
- Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
- India Meteorological Department
- Philippines (PAGASA)
- Australian Bureau of Meteorology
- Fiji Meteorological Service
- Meteo France La Reunion
- Jakarta, Indonesia TCWC
Long range and seasonal forecasts
- Analysis of the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season forecasts (Dr. Jeff Masters,
- Colorado State University (Dr. Bill Gray/Phil Klotzbach) Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecast
- Tropical Storm Risk, Inc. (monthly updates)
- NOAA (updates in May and August)
- UK Met Office Atlantic seasonal forecast (GloSea model). Updates June 19
- NOAA CFS model seasonal forecasts
- IRI (global computer model forecasts)
- Western Pacific seasonal forecast (City University of Hong Kong)
- 1-2 week tropical forecast (NOAA/CPC)
Sea Surface Temperature Data
- Sea Surface Temperature imagery from NOAA/NESDIS
- Caribbean Sea Surface Temperatures
- Gulf of Mexico Sea Surface Temperatures
- Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures
- 30-day forecasts for Atlantic (U.S. Navy)
- Sea Surface Temperature imagery from U.S. Navy
Storm Surge info
- Texas SLOSH model maps
- Texas Department of Public Safety
- South Carolina surge maps (NOAA/NWS)
Aircraft Reconnaissance Sites
Hurricane FAQs, Names, and Other Links
- Hurricane Frequently Asked Questions
- Hurricane Names for the coming year
- Wind shear tutorial
- NOAA's interactive historical tracking tool
- NOAA's Hurricane Research Division home page
- Digital Typhoon (Typhoon info from Japan)
- (Typhoon info from the Philippines)
- Australian severe weather
- Hurricane Disaster Relief & Information
- Safe hurricane harbors info for boaters
- Caribbean Hurricane Network
- Storm chaser hurricane footage
- Storm chaser hurricane footage from Jim Edds
- Storm chaser hurricane footage from Jim Leonard
- Storm chaser hurricane footage from Rich Horodner
- Storm chaser hurricane photos from
- Severe and unusual weather photos from Jim Reed
- Live streaming weather talk on hurricanes
- Info and nightly live discussions on hurricanes from